Thirty and flirty and thriving.

I turned thirty a few days ago. It was surprisingly and, if I’m being honest, disappointingly low-key. I wanted to have a party but we don’t have a good house for a good party, and there were other logistics messing with things anyway. So I just had a friend over and we watched 13 Going on 30 because it’s such a great movie. I will say, though, that my 30th didn’t disappoint by way of presents so that makes up for the lack of celebration.

Unlike most people my age, but somewhat similarly to Jenna Rink in that movie, I’ve been looking forward to turning 30 since I was a kid. Unlike Jenna, I haven’t wished I was there already, but anticipated it with excitement, not trepidation, because as a kid I once asked my mom if she could go back to one time of her life, what would she choose and why? Her answer was that she would go back to her thirties. She said that in addition to having all of her kids by her mid-thirties, and she kind of likes us, she felt like that’s when people finally started listening to her both professionally and personally. She said that even though she had been an adult for nearly half her life before her thirties, it wasn’t until then that adults older than she was started viewing her as their equal. Oh, that did appeal to me as a middle child! As an adult who eventually developed into a mostly-NTJ personality it appeals to me even more now, because while no one likes to be ignored or discounted, it’s even worse for those of us who think we’re smarter, more logical, or more objective than other people. Plus, we’re usually right about those things. 😉

Basically, if people older than I am don’t start listening to me and finally treating me like an equal, I’m going to be very disappointed.

And start looking forward to my forties.

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